I haven't updated in a while because there's not much to tell. June was so wet and cold that nothing grew. July's had a few warm days but mostly it's just low 70's. Today I don't even think I'll take my sweater off. The chill seems to be stunting the growth of all my plants, well except the tomatillos.
The greenbeans have wound about 3 feet high up their posts now, and they've all got flowers on them. One of the tomatoes gave up the ghost, an early girl, 3rd one I've killed this year. The full size tomato plants haven't make tomatoes yet, but the grapes and cherries all have little green fruits and one of them has an almost orange fruit. Most of the squashes died except for 2 crooknecks and a zuchinni, who just opened his first flower yesterday. The crooknecks are making squashes, but most of the squashes have died, except one which is getting bigger every day. All except two of the radishes bolted and made such yucky leaves that I didn't even get the greens. The two radishes were very nice and radishy. Carrots are working their way into being carrots.
Tomatillos are going gangbuster, so I'll definitely do them again next year. I must have a hundred little paper lanterns started, and the plants are getting taller every day. Hope everyone I know likes salsa verde. The jalepeno just opened it's flowers. Here's hoping September's warm, or else many of my veggies won't get to harvest. The neighbor gave me 12 red onions, and about half of them are doing well. The others are just kinda seeing how small they can be.
I wonder if the colder weather has anything to do with all the ash put up by that Icelandic volcano last spring. I've read in geology books that volcanos can make summers colder if enough particles block the sun. Much as I'd like to blame my current climatic woes on BP....
My friend at work gave me 4 dahila bulbs, and one of them is already a foot high. The others are looking good too ^.^